OpenCore v0.6.2 Intel Kaby Lake Laptop Sanity Check



  • You might need something like SSDT-EC.aml or SSDT-EC-USBX-LAPTOP.aml. See the ACPI Docs
  • SSDT-LED.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-GPRW.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-PMCR.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-PTSWAK.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-BATC.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-BATT.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-EXT4.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-HRTF.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-KBRD.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-NTFY.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-PLUG.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-PNLF.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory
  • SSDT-VDEV.aml Make sure this file is in your OC/ACPI directory




  • FadtEnableReset = No
  • NormalizeHeaders = No
  • RebaseRegions = No
  • ResetHwSig = No
  • ResetLogoStatus = No




  • AvoidRuntimeDefrag = Yes
  • DevirtualiseMmio = No
  • DisableSingleUser = No
  • DisableVariableWrite = No
  • DiscardHibernateMap = Yes but should normally be No
  • EnableSafeModeSlide = Yes
  • EnableWriteUnprotector = Yes
  • ForceExitBootServices = No
  • ProtectSecureBoot = No
  • ProtectMemoryRegions = No
  • ProtectUefiServices = No
  • ProvideCustomSlide = Yes
  • ProvideMaxSlide = 0
  • RebuildAppleMemoryMap = No
  • SetupVirtualMap = Yes
  • SignalAppleOS = No
  • SyncRuntimePermissions = Yes but should normally be No



  • AAPL,ig-platform-id = 00001659 iGPU set correctly




  • Lilu.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory and the first kext listed here
  • SMCBatteryManager.kext Please ensure your battery has been properly patched to 8bits, otherwise this can cause issues
  • VirtualSMC.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • WhateverGreen.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • SMCProcessor.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • SMCSuperIO.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • AppleALC.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • NVMeFix.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • NoTouchID.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • IntelBluetoothFirmware.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • IntelBluetoothInjector.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • itlwm.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • IntelMausi.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • CPUFriend.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • CPUFriendDataProvider.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • USBPorts.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooPS2Controller.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooPS2Controller.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooPS2Keyboard.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooSMBus.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooRMI.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooRMI.kext/Contents/PlugIns/RMISMBus.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooRMI.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooInput.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoodooRMI.kext/Contents/PlugIns/VoodooTrackpoint.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • HoRNDIS.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • VoltageShift.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • HibernationFixup.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory
  • RTCMemoryFixup.kext make sure this Kext is in your OC/Kexts directory



  • DummyPowerManagement is missing. Normally set to No




  • AppleCpuPmCfgLock = Yes but should normally be No
  • AppleXcpmCfgLock = Yes You should disable CFG-Lock in your bios instead of using this
  • AppleXcpmExtraMsrs = No
  • AppleXcpmForceBoost = No
  • CustomSMBIOSGuid = No If you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard, please enable this
  • DisableIoMapper = Yes
  • DisableRtcChecksum = No
  • DummyPowerManagement was moved in OpenCore v0.6.2 - See Kernel -> Emulate
  • LegacyCommpage is missing. Normally set to No
  • ExternalDiskIcons = No
  • IncreasePciBarSize = No
  • LapicKernelPanic = Yes This is only required if you have an HP laptop
  • PanicNoKextDump = Yes
  • PowerTimeoutKernelPanic = Yes
  • ThirdPartyDrives = No
  • XhciPortLimit = No enable if you have USB issues





  • PollAppleHotKeys = No
  • ShowPicker = Yes
  • TakeoffDelay = 0
  • HibernateMode = NVRAM but should normally be None
  • PickerMode = External but should normally be Builtin
  • HideAuxiliary = No
  • PickerAttributes = 1
  • PickerAudioAssist = No
  • Timeout = 5


  • AppleDebug = Yes
  • ApplePanic = No but should normally be Yes
  • DisableWatchDog = Yes
  • Target see the Debugging Docs for more info on debug target numbers
  • DisplayLevel see Debugging Docs for more info debug display levels
  • DisplayDelay = 0



  • AllowNvramReset = Yes
  • AllowSetDefault = Yes
  • ApECID = 0
  • AuthRestart = No
  • BootProtect = Bootstrap
  • DmgLoading = Signed
  • EnablePassword = No
  • Vault = Optional
  • SecureBootModel = j132
  • HaltLevel = 2147483648
  • ExposeSensitiveData = 6
  • ScanPolicy = 0


  • You removed the tool EFIs


  • LegacyEnable = No
  • LegacyOverwrite = No
  • WriteFlash = Yes


  • UIScale = 01
  • DefaultBackgroundColor = 00000000
  • boot-args = rtcfx_exclude=80-AB You need to add alcid=<layout> here since you are using AppleALC.kext
  • run-efi-updater = No
  • csr-active-config = 00000000
  • prev-lang:kbd = 656e2d55533a30 (en-US:0)
  • SystemAudioVolume = 46




  • Automatic = Yes
  • UpdateDataHub = Yes
  • UpdateNVRAM = Yes
  • UpdateSMBIOS = Yes
  • UpdateSMBIOSMode = Create If you have a Dell or VIAO motherboard, please set this to Custom


  • SpoofVendor = Yes
  • AdviseWindows = No
  • ProcessorType = 0
  • SystemMemoryStatus is missing. Normally set to Auto
  • SystemProductName = MacBookPro15,2 this is not a suggested SMBIOS for Kaby Lake Laptop systems. See PlatformInfo Docs
  • MLB is set
  • ROM is set
  • SystemSerialNumber is set
  • SystemUUID is set


  • ConnectDrivers = Yes


  • HfsPlus.efi
  • OpenRuntime.efi
  • CrScreenshotDxe.efi should not be here!
  • OpenCanopy.efi
  • AudioDxe.efi


  • AudioSupport = Yes
  • AudioDevice = PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1F,0x3)
  • AudioCodec = 0
  • AudioOut = 0
  • MinimumVolume = 50
  • PlayChime = Yes
  • VolumeAmplifier = 143


  • KeyFiltering = No
  • KeyForgetThreshold = 5
  • KeyMergeThreshold = 2
  • KeySupport = Yes
  • KeySupportMode = Auto
  • KeySwap = No
  • PointerSupport = No
  • PointerSupportMode = -blank-
  • TimerResolution = 50000


  • TextRenderer = BuiltinGraphics
  • ConsoleMode = -blank-
  • Resolution = Max
  • ClearScreenOnModeSwitch = No
  • IgnoreTextInGraphics = No
  • ProvideConsoleGop = Yes
  • DirectGopRendering = No
  • ReconnectOnResChange = No
  • ReplaceTabWithSpace = No
  • SanitiseClearScreen = No
  • UgaPassThrough = No


  • AppleAudio = No
  • AppleBootPolicy = No
  • AppleDebugLog = No
  • AppleEvent = No
  • AppleFramebufferInfo = No
  • AppleImageConversion = No
  • AppleImg4Verification = No
  • AppleKeyMap = No
  • AppleRtcRam = No
  • AppleSecureBoot = No
  • AppleSmcIo = No If you plan to use FileVault2, please enable this
  • AppleUserInterfaceTheme = No
  • DataHub = No
  • DeviceProperties = No
  • FirmwareVolume = No If you plan to use FileVault2, please enable this
  • HashServices = No If you plan to use FileVault2, please enable this
  • OSInfo = No
  • UnicodeCollation = No


  • DeduplicateBootOrder = Yes
  • ExitBootServicesDelay = 0
  • IgnoreInvalidFlexRatio = No
  • ReleaseUsbOwnership = No but should normally be Yes
  • RequestBootVarRouting = Yes
  • TscSyncTimeout = 0
  • UnblockFsConnect = No If you have an HP system, please enable this


  • EnableJumpstart = Yes
  • GlobalConnect = No If you have an HP motherboard and can't see APFS drives in OpenCore, please enable this
  • HideVerbose = Yes
  • JumpstartHotPlug = No
  • MinDate = 0
  • MinVersion = 0
